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<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD JATS (Z39.96) Journal Publishing DTD v1.2d1 20170631//EN" "JATS-journalpublishing1.dtd">
      <JournalTitle>Frontiers in Medical Case Reports</JournalTitle>
      <Volume-Issue>Volume 3; Issue 6</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>(Nov-Dec, 2022)</Season>
      <ArticleType>Medical Case Reports</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>A Debilitating Adverse Reaction of Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris Due to Statin Therapy in A Low-Risk Patient: Case Report</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>A 57-year-old male cardiologist with no previous cardiac history nor a positive family history of cardiovascular disease was started on atorvastatin to treat an LDL of 140 mg/dL. Within one month he developed a debilitating dermatologic reaction that initially was thought to be life-threatening Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Biopsy demonstrated the reaction was Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris (PRP) an incurable dermatologic disease which on average lasts more than a year before resolution. As of the writing of this case report, 6 months after starting atorvastatin, the symptoms persist. This is only the second reported case of PRP resulting from statin therapy.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Statin,Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris,Lipid Therapy</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://www.jmedicalcasereports.org/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=14156&amp;title=A Debilitating Adverse Reaction of Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris Due to Statin Therapy in A Low-Risk Patient: Case Report</Abstract>
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