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      <JournalTitle>Frontiers in Medical Case Reports</JournalTitle>
      <Volume-Issue>Volume 1; Issue 5</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>(Sep-Oct, 2020)</Season>
      <ArticleType>Medical Case Reports</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Fatigue Related Dizziness</ArticleTitle>
          <FirstName>Byung In</FirstName>
          <FirstName>Hyun Ah</FirstName>
      <Abstract>Objective: To verify whether fatigue is related with dizziness, we examined 72 patients between 20 and 65 years old who had new onset of daily dizziness for less than one month and in whom known causes of dizziness were excluded after extensive evaluation (acute unexplained dizziness [AUD] group).&#13;
Methods: We used scales to estimate the severity of dizziness, fatigue, sleep quality, anxiety, and depression. For comparison, we administered the same scales to 52 patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV group).&#13;
Results: The AUD group reported higher levels of fatigue and anxiety than the BPPV group. More than half of the patients in the AUD group experienced fatigue. Fatigue and anxiety were strong predictors of the dizziness score. Fatigue severity correlated with insomnia severity, consistent with fatigue as a manifestation of insufficient sleep.&#13;
Conclusions: From these findings, we infer that fatigue was the cause of dizziness in the majority of patients in the AUD group and that anxiety in these patients may be secondary to dizziness. Our preliminary data indicate the need to further investigate fatigue as a cause of dizziness.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Dizziness,Fatigue,Anxiety,Dizziness handicap inventory,BPPV</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://www.jmedicalcasereports.org/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=8160&amp;title=Fatigue Related Dizziness</Abstract>
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